Downtime: Escape from the Web of Our Own Making

More passwords, social networking communities, extra CCTV cameras, software upgrades, downloads, uploads, new apps, friend requests, spam email, viral advertising. People are growing tired of the fast paced digital world and starting to drop out. Some are even resorting to ‘slow apps,’ which can block emails and social network feeds for certain periods of the day.
The direct descendants of our tribal ancestors have been living in harmony with nature for tens of thousands of years, yet we are only just beginning to learn from them. As we try to protect ourselves from the pressures of technology, travel and everyday toil, we are increasingly turning to ancient practices, such as meditation and yoga, to help clear our bodies and minds from the harmful effects of modern life.
Cult websites like The Numinous, and inner-search retreats such as Soul Camp are springing up – as material girls (and boys) turn to mystical arts in their struggle to find a footing amidst the socio-techno nightmare of ‘the now age’. We predict that people will increasingly look back to their tribal origins and distant ancestors for inspiration, as they reach out for a more sustainable future.
Find additional material on this story and full photo credits in Visuology Issue 2 – plus more on tribal trends in our Editor’s March 2009 posts for ShopCurious blog.